
70% is the percentage of all payment processing decisions that are made by a merchants technology advisers.

That is a statistic that I heard at ETA this past summer. I always knew that the technology staff/vendor played a key role in determining who a merchant processes with, but I never realized just how large that role was until hearing that number.

When you think about it further, it makes sense. When a retailer purchases a point of sale system, who will they ask about merchant accounts? The point of sale vendor or integrator. When an online merchant setups a shopping cart, or builds an e-commerce enabled website, who will they ask about payment gateways and merchant accounts? The web developer. When a company must process payments from within their enterprise system, who will they ask? The software vendor or developer.

Most technology people don't understand the impact of this fact. When the vendor, developer or integrator refers their clients to a payment processing partner, they are making an extremely important decision for both the client and the vendor, developer or integrator themselves. For the vendors, developers and integrators, this is a key point. Depending on which gateway they choose, they will be arming themselves with a tool set that they can use to better serve their clients. This results in increased business for the vendors, developers and integrators. It also allows clients to make the most out of their payment processing automation.

NELiX TransaX recognizes the importance of the IT community in the payment processing arena and welcomes partnerships. Learn more about becoming a partner with NELiX TransaX.


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