How I met Ben Stein at Accounting C4 in Boston!!

I just got back from the Accounting C4 (Cloud Computing Collaborative Community) conference in Boston. It was a great show! It was my first time in Boston, and I particularly enjoyed the boat cruise around the bay - what amazing architecture that Boston has!

We made many great new contacts at the show, but the most interesting person that I met was Ben Stein! He was there to give the keynote speech, and I had the pleasure of riding the elevator down with him the morning of his keynote.

He noticed that I was also a speaker (as my badge was tagged), and said "You're a speaker too!". I responded, "yeah, but not nearly as entertaining as you!". He asked what I was speaking about, and when I replied "Merchant Accounts", his response was, "I just make people laugh and think, you talk about the important stuff - money!"

His keynote is great! It made you laugh and think. Very entertaining, informative and intelligent.

And as for my session, we'll soon you can see for yourself. We took a video, and will be posting on YouTube soon. Watch this space!


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