Gateway Update Log:

Update Log:

NEW FEATURE A new “Quick User Management” page has been posted to the Agent’s Settings menu.  This allows you to perform multiple simple tasks for any of your merchant’s users such as reset passwords, use Log In As, and unlocking accounts.
ENHANCEMENT New search filters have been posted to the Agent dashboard in the Search Tile (Gateway ID and Merchant ID).  You can search for these numbers from the full Merchant Listing Page as well.
ENHANCEMENTMerchant Name, Gateway ID, and User Account Number have been added to the subject line and message body of Support Requests completed by your merchants.  They will be auto-filled based on the credentials with which the merchant is logged into the system.
ENHANCEMENTThe HPP documentation has been modified to reflect the date format we use everywhere in the API docs (YYYY-MM-DD)
ENHANCEMENTChanged the default selection of the Top Merchants By QTY/Volume tiles on the Agent Dashboard to be the “Current Month”.
FIXOn the Merchant Listing Page, the “Log In As” was not sorting with the rest of the functions in its row.  This has been corrected so it sorts properly.
FIX We changed the "No Results Found" panel on the User list to correctly hide after you click the Add New User button.


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