How To: Integrate Credit Card and ACH (e-check) with ColdFusion

This is the (long awaited) sixth part in a series (sorry that this one is out of order!) of postings on how to integrate credit card and ACH/E-check transactions into various systems. This installment demonstrates code used for processing payments (credit card and/or ACH) within a ColdFusion application.

This was taken from the NELiX TransaX FleXport toolkit documentation. Credit card integration examples can be downloaded on the NELiX TransaX FleXport page.

- Using NELiX TransaX Payment Gateway
- Communicating using NELiX TransaX Webservice
params = {TransactionType = 'auth',
GatewayUserName = FORM.GatewayUserName,
GatewayPassword = FORM.GatewayPassword,
//Merchant_Defined_Field_1 = FORM.Merchant_Defined_Field_1,
//Merchant_Defined_Field_2 = FORM.Merchant_Defined_Field_2,
PaymentType = FORM.PaymentType,
Customer_Vault_Action = 'add_customer',
//Customer_Vault_ID = FORM.Customer_Vault_ID,
CCNumber = FORM.CCNumber,
CCExpDate = FORM.CCExpDate,
CheckName = FORM.CheckName,
CheckABA = FORM.CheckABA,
CheckAccount = FORM.CheckAccount,
AccountHolderType = FORM.AccountHolderType,
AccountType = FORM.AccountType,
SecCode = FORM.SecCode,
Amount = '1',

OrderDescription = FORM.OrderDescription,

//PONumber = FORM.PONumber,
FirstName = FORM.FirstName,
LastName = FORM.LastName,
Company = FORM.Company,
Address1 = FORM.Address1,
Address2 = FORM.Address2,
City = FORM.City,
State = FORM.State,
Zip = FORM.Zip,
Country = FORM.Country,
Phone = FORM.Phone,
Fax = FORM.Fax,
EMail = FORM.EMail,
Website = FORM.Website};

ws = CreateObject("webservice","");
resp = getSOAPResponse(ws);

If you need any assistance with payment processing integration with your ColdFusion system, we are here to help!

Download ColdFusion credit card and ACH (e-check) integration examples.


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