
Showing posts from June, 2010

How To: Integrate Credit Card and ACH (e-check) with ColdFusion

This is the (long awaited) sixth part in a series (sorry that this one is out of order!) of postings on how to integrate credit card and ACH/E-check transactions into various systems. This installment demonstrates code used for processing payments (credit card and/or ACH) within a ColdFusion application. This was taken from the NELiX TransaX FleXport toolkit documentation. Credit card integration examples can be downloaded on the NELiX TransaX FleXport page. Assumptions: - Using NELiX TransaX Payment Gateway - Communicating using NELiX TransaX Webservice params = {TransactionType = 'auth', GatewayUserName = FORM.GatewayUserName, GatewayPassword = FORM.GatewayPassword, IPAddress = CGI.REMOTE_ADDR, //Merchant_Defined_Field_1 = FORM.Merchant_Defined_Field_1, //Merchant_Defined_Field_2 = FORM.Merchant_Defined_Field_2, PaymentType = FORM.PaymentType, Customer_Vault_Action = 'add_customer', //Customer_Vault_ID = FORM.Customer_Vault_ID, CCNumbe...

Automation of Credit Card and ACH Collection

Although our focus is helping our software development partners improve, enhance, and streamline credit card and ACH collection processes using our technology, we find that often a merchant approaches us without a development team, and asks us to do the development for them. We have been building many custom systems on behalf of our customers. The common themes we have seen are: - Online Bill Pay and Presentment - Mobile Credit Card Processing - Credit Card Processing using Telephony Although the systems we build are all completely custom and unique to the merchant, and we use our FleXport toolkit as the basis of all of them, we find that the above themes are the most common. If you are a merchant, and have questions about how to put together a system that has payment processing as a core component, we are the experts! Talk to us, and we can point you in the right direction, build a system, or bring in one of our many development partners to help you out! For more information, visit ...

I love Microsoft Access

I have been using Microsoft Access personally since 1991. Seems so long ago. It was version 1.1 when I started with it. Since that time, me and my team of developers have built literally hundreds of Access databases. Access is probably my favorite application to work in, with Excel a close second. With Microsoft Access it is so easy to whip up forms, reports, queries, etc. It is probably the greatest data manipulation tool that I have seen, and I've worked with many different tools! Best of all, it is bundled with a Visual Basic based programming language that allows you to perform any automation that you need. You can use Access as a front end to a SQL Server backend and have it connect with any of countless remote data sources. I use Access daily personally to manipulate my own data and automate otherwise manual processes. We have Access databases linked up with our QuickBooks files to manipulate data there, as well as with many different SQL Server, MySQL and Access databa...

How To: Integrate Credit Card and ACH / E-Check processing into FileMaker

This is the ninth part in a series of postings on how to integrate credit card and ACH/E-check transactions into various systems. This installment demonstrates code used for processing payments (credit card and/or ACH) within a FileMaker application. This was taken from the NELiX TransaX FleXport toolkit documentation. Credit card integration examples can be downloaded on the NELiX TransaX FleXport page. Assumptions: - Using NELiX TransaX Payment Gateway - Communicating using NELiX TransaX Webservice To accomplish a web service connection within FileMaker, we used the Troi URL Plug-in, a very inexpensive plug-in which allows FileMaker to easily post to a web resource. This plug-in is available at Version 2.0.3 of the plug in is also included along with the example, but of course a license must be purchased from Troi before putting into production. Once purchased, a permanent license key wil...

How To: Integrate Credit Card and ACH (e-check) processing into a Flex / Actionscript Flash system

This is the eighth part in a series of postings on how to integrate credit card and ACH/E-check transactions into various systems. This installment demonstrates code used for processing payments (credit card and/or ACH) within a Flex / ActionScript Flash application. This was taken from the NELiX TransaX FleXport toolkit documentation. Credit card integration examples can be downloaded on the NELiX TransaX FleXport page. Assumptions: - Using NELiX TransaX Payment Gateway - Communicating using NELiX TransaX Webservice Follow these steps. 1. Create a new project. 2. Open “Data->Import Web Service” menu Image: (NelixExmaples\doc\images\flex\01.jpg) 3. Change port to “RoXAIPSoap”and click “Finish”. WebService files will be generated automatically. Image: (NelixExmaples\doc\images\flex\02.jpg) 4. Add import directives in your project: import com.nelixtransax.Responses; import com.nelixtransax.Params; import com.nelixtransax.ProcessTransact...