Credit Cards and Integration

It has been a long time since I've blogged. I've been spending my time managing projects.

50% of my time has been managing integration projects - where we are integrating our credit card and ACH/e-check processing components into existing systems on our customers behalf.

The other 50% of my time has been spent on managing projects where we are building completely new systems to manage our customers payment processing functions.

The final 50% of my time has been spent on everything else :-)

On the integration projects, we have been using our FleXport library to integrate credit card processing into a wide variety of applications. We've had a lot of ASP, .NET, Access and FileMaker integrations lately. We've also been integrating credit card and ACH processing into many VB6 systems lately, surprisingly. We'll be adding a FleXport example for VB6 very soon!

In addition, we've spent a lot of time supporting partners who are integration our payment processing components with their FileMaker, Ruby, 4D, FoxPro, Access and other systems.

If you need help adding payment processing - credit card, ACH/E-check, RDC/Check Conversion, etc into your application, we can help! We have developers on staff well versed in all of these technologies! Whether you are an end user, or a developer, we can perform or assist in performing the integration work.

More information for developers on the NELiX TransaX suite of services
More information on NELiX TransaX FleXport


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