How To: Integrate Credit Card and ACH (e-check) processing with Classic ASP

This is the fifth part in a series of postings on how to integrate credit card and ACH/E-check transactions into various systems. This installment demonstrates code used for processing payments (credit card and/or ACH) within a Classic ASP application.

This was taken from the NELiX TransaX FleXport toolkit documentation. Credit card integration examples can be downloaded on the NELiX TransaX FleXport page.

- Using NELiX TransaX Payment Gateway
- Communicating using NELiX TransaX Webservice
<%  Function BuildXML()   Dim vString    vString = ""         vString = vString & "" & request("TransactionType") & ""
vString = vString & "" & request("GatewayUserName") & ""
vString = vString & "" & request("GatewayPassword") & ""
vString = vString & "" & Request.Servervariables("REMOTE_HOST") & ""

vString = vString & "" & request("Merchant_Defined_Field_1") & ""
vString = vString & "" & request("Merchant_Defined_Field_2") & ""

If request("TransactionType") = "void" Then
vString = vString & "" & request("TransactionID") & ""

if request("PaymentType")="check" then
vString = vString & "" & request("PaymentType") & ""
end if
End If

If request("TransactionType") = "refund" Then
vString = vString & "" & request("Amount") & ""
vString = vString & "" & request("TransactionID") & ""

if request("PaymentType")="check" then
vString = vString & "" & request("PaymentType") & ""
end if

End If

If request("TransactionType") = "capture" Then
vString = vString & "" & request("Amount") & ""
vString = vString & "" & request("TransactionID") & ""
vString = vString & "" & request("OrderID") & ""
vString = vString & "" & request("Tracking_Number") & ""
vString = vString & "" & request("Shipping_Carrier") & ""

if request("PaymentType")="check" then
vString = vString & "" & request("PaymentType") & ""
end if
End If

If request("TransactionType") = "update" Then
vString = vString & "" & request("TransactionID") & ""
vString = vString & "" & request("Tracking_Number") & ""
vString = vString & "" & request("Shipping_Carrier") & ""

if request("PaymentType")="check" then
vString = vString & "" & request("PaymentType") & ""
end if
End If

If request("Customer_Vault_Action") = "delete_customer" Then
vString = vString & "" & request("Customer_Vault_Action") & ""
vString = vString & "" & request("Customer_Vault_ID") & ""
End If

If request("TransactionType") = "sale" Or request("TransactionType") = "auth" Or request("Customer_Vault_Action")
= "add_customer" Or request("Customer_Vault_Action") = "update_customer" Then
vString = vString & "" & request("PaymentType") & ""

If request("Customer_Vault_Action") = "add_customer" Or request("Customer_Vault_Action") = "update_customer" Then
vString = vString & "" & request("Customer_Vault_Action") & ""
End If
vString = vString & "" & request("Customer_Vault_ID") & ""

If request("PaymentType") = "creditcard" Then
vString = vString & "" & request("CCNumber") & ""
vString = vString & "" & request("CCExpDate") & ""
vString = vString & "" & request("CVV") & ""
End If
If request("PaymentType") = "check" Then
vString = vString & "" & request("CheckName") & ""
vString = vString & "" & request("CheckABA") & ""
vString = vString & "" & request("CheckAccount") & ""
vString = vString & "" & request("AccountHolderType") & ""
vString = vString & "" & request("AccountType") & ""
vString = vString & "" & request("SecCode") & ""
End If

vString = vString & "" & request("Payment_Plan_SKU") & ""

vString = vString & "" & request("Amount") & ""
vString = vString & "" & request("Tax") & ""
vString = vString & "" & request("Shipping") & ""
vString = vString & "" & request("OrderDescription") & ""
vString = vString & "" & request("OrderID") & ""
vString = vString & "" & request("PONumber") & ""

vString = vString & "" & request("FirstName") & ""
vString = vString & "" & request("LastName") & ""
vString = vString & "" & request("Company") & ""
vString = vString & "" & request("Address1") & ""
vString = vString & "" & request("Address2") & ""
vString = vString & "" & request("City") & ""
vString = vString & "" & request("State") & ""
vString = vString & "" & request("Zip") & ""
vString = vString & "" & request("Country") & ""
vString = vString & "" & request("Phone") & ""
vString = vString & "" & request("Fax") & ""
vString = vString & "" & request("EMail") & ""
vString = vString & "" & request("Website") & ""

vString = vString & "" & request("ShippingFirstName") & ""
vString = vString & "" & request("ShippingLastName") & ""
vString = vString & "" & request("ShippingCompany") & ""
vString = vString & "" & request("ShippingAddress1") & ""
vString = vString & "" & request("ShippingAddress2") & ""
vString = vString & "" & request("ShippingCity") & ""
vString = vString & "" & request("ShippingState") & ""
vString = vString & "" & request("ShippingZip") & ""
vString = vString & "" & request("ShippingCountry") & ""
vString = vString & "" & request("ShippingEmail") & ""

vString = vString & "" & request("ProcessorID") & ""
vString = vString & "" & request("Descriptor") & ""
vString = vString & "" & request("DescriptorPhone") & ""
End If

BuildXML = vString

End Function

Function SoapWrapper(vXML)
Dim S

S = ""
S = S & ""
S = S & ""
S = S & "" & vXML & "

SoapWrapper = S
End Function

Dim webServiceUrl, httpReq, vXML, oNode

Set httpReq = Server.CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP")

webServiceUrl = ""
vXML = SoapWrapper(BuildXML())

httpReq.Open "POST", webServiceUrl, False
httpReq.setRequestHeader "Content-Type", "text/xml"
httpReq.setRequestHeader "Connection", "close"
httpReq.setRequestHeader "SOAPAction", ""
httpReq.Send vXML

'Results = httpReq.responseText

Set xmlDoc = Server.CreateObject("MSXML2.DOMDocument.3.0")
xmlDoc.loadXML (httpReq.responseXML.XML)
Set oNode = xmlDoc.childNodes(1).childNodes(0).childNodes(0).childNodes(0)

Results = ""
Results = Results & "STATUS_CODE: " & oNode.selectSingleNode("STATUS_CODE").Text & ""
Results = Results & "STATUS_MSG: " & oNode.selectSingleNode("STATUS_MSG").Text & ""
Results = Results & "TRANS_ID: " & oNode.selectSingleNode("TRANS_ID").Text & ""
Results = Results & "AUTH_CODE: " & oNode.selectSingleNode("AUTH_CODE").Text & ""
Results = Results & "AVS_CODE: " & oNode.selectSingleNode("AVS_CODE").Text & ""
Results = Results & "AVS_MSG: " & oNode.selectSingleNode("AVS_MSG").Text & ""
Results = Results & "CVV2_CODE: " & oNode.selectSingleNode("CVV2_CODE").Text & ""
Results = Results & "CVV2_MSG: " & oNode.selectSingleNode("CVV2_MSG").Text & ""
Results = Results & "ORDERID: " & oNode.selectSingleNode("ORDERID").Text & ""
Results = Results & "CUSTOMER_VAULT_ID: " & oNode.selectSingleNode("CUSTOMER_VAULT_ID").Text & ""
Results = Results & "FULLRESPONSE: " & Replace(oNode.selectSingleNode("FULLRESPONSE").Text, "&", "&") & ""

Set httpReq = Nothing

response.write "RESULTS:

" & Results

If you need any assistance with payment processing integration with your Classic ASP system, we are here to help!

Download Classic ASP credit card and ACH (e-check) integration examples.


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