Remote Deposit Capture (RDC) in QuickBooks!

I am extremely excited about the new features that we recently added to the NELiX TransaX QuickBooks module.

Now, in addition to being able to perform Credit Card and ACH (E-check) processing from within QuickBooks using our module, and in addition to the powerful batch processing features of our QuickBooks module, you can now perform Remote Deposit Capture (RDC), Check Conversion, Check 21 through our QuickBooks module!

The module is integrated with select Epson and RDM Check readers. Just plug them in, install the drivers, and you're ready to roll.

- No more manually entering received checks into QuickBooks
- No more filling out deposit slips.
- No more endorsing your checks.
- No more driving to the bank.
- No more waiting in lines!

It is an exciting new feature of the module. We have more big features on the way. Keep watching this space...

Information on RDC through QuickBooks
Infomation on NELiX TransaX


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